You Don’t Say…
Stories from the Drew Zagorski Files.
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About Drew…
You Don't Say.. host and producer, Drew Zagorski, is a native of Chicago and now lives in Oregon. He loves stories... or maybe more accurately histories. It's been said that truth is stranger than fiction. OK, sometimes not, but it certainly is more interesting. At least to Drew. A guy who loves meeting new people, hearing their stories - or histories - is what makes him tick. So that's what You Don't Say... is about. Bringing interesting stories to life and sharing them with the world.
With an insatiable curiosity about the world and the universe, and a deep reader of history, biography and true crime, Drew is always looking for the next great story. Whether that's in book form or a tip from someone about a person he should know, he's on it. In his day job he is the Founder and Principal of LeftBrainRightBrain Marketing, a branding agency that focuses on the needs of smaller and micro-sized businesses.