Totally True Facts #6: The Totally True Story of the First Successful Parachute Jump… or Push, Based on Real Facts
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I got to thinking about who was the first person to jump from a ledge or flying machine using a parachute. I mean, who invented the first parachute, when was that, what were the circumstances – was it a thing of necessity in some horrible moment – and why would anyone ever want to step out of a flying machine or off a cliff when it’s hundreds, if not thousands of feet in the air using an untested accessory? There are a lot of people who own a piece of designing the first parachute, including Taccola, DaVinci, and a French fella named Andre-Jacques Garnerin.
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DISCLAIMER - Totally True Facts episodes are parodies. Let me say that again – parodies. Names have been changed in most cases to protect the innocent, though in others, the names of totally real people are used for the purpose of presenting the as mentioned parody. I hope that you’ll latch on to one of these facts and look up the totally, totally true facts on your own.